Music Mysteries: The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet

    Welcome to a new segment! I got the idea for this while reading about Taylor Swift's background before she became famous, and I was like "what if we talk about mysteries or not-so-popular facts." And thus, Music Mysteries was born! 

    So what are we going to talk about first? Well, I found articles about "The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet." So I thought we'd start with that one. Basically, someone heard the song on German radio and recorded it on a cassette. Dialogue from radio hosts and everything was removed from it, and as a result, no one knows the title and exact airplay date. The artist is unknown as well! Very mysterious!
    Darius, the guy who recorded the song on the cassette, had his own website that he dedicated to unknown songs. From there, the song slowly spread around the internet, picking up steam from 2007 after being originally posted by Darius in 2004. Eventually it went viral in 2019, but still no one knows anything about it. The song even has its own dedicated subreddit, r/TheMysteriousSong. Which is very much very active to this day, by the way. You all can check out the Wikipedia article on it. 
    It seems that new leads quickly lead to dead ends. But! Perhaps the more people that know about it, they will find someone who sang it or had a hand in producing it. You never know.
    As for the song itself? It's very generic 80s. Even the singer seems like a product of the times from everything to technique to style. Kinda like Rick Astley to me? There's not too much that is special about the song either. And it sounds very much like a slightly polished demo. Though that could be due to how it was recorded from the radio. It's not too memorable. The lyrics are pretty generic though kinda eerie which fits the mystery, I suppose. Some smart people have been able to determine the synthesizer used which dates the song to some extent. They're saying around 1984 due to the technology around this time. Which is really cool to figure out. 
    Some people have even speculated on the singer and they came up with two names that could have been involved on the track. There are other names floating around too like one for a saxophonist that was supposed to record for the track, but that never came into fruition. 
    So where does it go from here? A band has recorded a cover of the song. There has been a couple of hoaxes involved with the song like a false artist being found on Shazam. And there's a Doom II mod that features the song.
    What do I think of this? I'm leaning very much into this being a demo that gained airplay once, someone randomly caught it, and then it was never heard from again. After listening to the song, it very much seems like a demo with its straight-forwardness and plain Jane feel. Not that that's bad. It just seems unpolished. As of now though, it still seems to be a mystery. It'd be cool to have a big breakthrough for it though.
    Until next time!


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