The Best of the Best: Bob Dylan's Blonde On Blonde

    I feel awful for saying this. I really do. I don't like Bob Dylan. I recognize his contributions to music and everything he has done for it. The man made statements. He changed the scene. He's a genius. A prolific songwriter. I don't like his singing. When I got on Apple Music to find Blonde On Blonde to write this review, I scrolled through ~10 albums on his "essential albums" list, and sure enough, Blonde On Blonde was sitting right there towards the end. And it was like a punch to my soul because I don't like any of it. 
    I get Dylan's appeal. Storytelling and lyricism. His writing is profound. His folk sound? He's got that going on too to a massive standard. But seriously, as I sit here... I can't think of one person I know who is a Bob Dylan fan. We talked about this at work, and the general consensus was that my coworkers do not like him due to political views. Whatever. That doesn't bother me. Artists talk about whatever they want to and are unapologetic about it. Dylan speaks to the times, and he does it so well. He's a rare man that makes art for the greater good. Blonde On Blonde is a testament to this. 
    I've tried on multiple occasions to get through Dylan albums. It has yet to happen fully. I hope this doesn't sound harsh or crass as I'm a nobody whose opinion does not matter at all in the long run. Dylan has had decades of commercial success and listeners. Everyone knows him, the name, and what he's all about. He's just not for me. And that's okay too. 
    As for the album and its songs, I like "I Want You." It's so pretty! The instrumentals... Not so much the singing. Sound-wise, it's a lush, green garden. This is not a criticism towards Dylan, but he sings like an out-of-breath billy goat. There's an air of rock and roll here that just lights up any room. Like the real rock, and what it means for the bare soul. 
    The sound of the album is so brilliant at times. This alone makes it one of the greats, and the album deserves its high spot on the Acclaimed Albums list. "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" is so cool and would be a career standout for any artist. That tricky guitar gives a surfy summer vibe. The lyrics themselves are so interesting. Again. The singing. It's like a spoken-word poem being sing-songed by a self-proclaimed genius college student in a coffee shop somewhere where they snap to applaud. 
    Bob Dylan sings like how an interpretive dancer dances. I stand by that statement. His sound and message are top-tier though!

Rank: D...ylan Rank.
Recommendation: when you have blonde on your blonde.
    Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
    I Want You
    Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again


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